Våre demoner skivan är riktigt speciell. Det har vi vetat om redan från början. Men nu blir den ännu mer speciell.. Den kommer bara säljas i en vecka. Mellan den 27.e april och 2.a maj kan man få tag i den i skivbutiker i Norge. Själv ska jag köpa min så fort jag kommer fram till Bergen den 29.e! Ska nog försöka få tag i vinylen också..
- We thought that to limit the availability would be a good way to reflect and symbolize the exclusive and limited edition aspects of this release, says Geir Kaizer cryptically. - Well, the content in itself isn't all that exclusive, so we therefore thought that it would be a clever idea to limit the time frame in which it is available, as a way of illustrating that this isn't an ordinary release, as say compared to a regular album. This is a compilation of left-over material, discarded ideas that we've given a work-over, mainly intended for the most die-hard Kaizers fans out there. We figured that they won't need more than a week to get to a record store and pick up a copy, anyhow, so what the hell, you know. I don't think this has ever been done before, either, so we're truly in the innovation business now!
Här är omslaget till den speciella skivan:
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- We thought that to limit the availability would be a good way to reflect and symbolize the exclusive and limited edition aspects of this release, says Geir Kaizer cryptically. - Well, the content in itself isn't all that exclusive, so we therefore thought that it would be a clever idea to limit the time frame in which it is available, as a way of illustrating that this isn't an ordinary release, as say compared to a regular album. This is a compilation of left-over material, discarded ideas that we've given a work-over, mainly intended for the most die-hard Kaizers fans out there. We figured that they won't need more than a week to get to a record store and pick up a copy, anyhow, so what the hell, you know. I don't think this has ever been done before, either, so we're truly in the innovation business now!
Här är omslaget till den speciella skivan:
Jag älskar det!
Postat av: Linda
Ja, det är underbart väder :D
Postat av: vesna
jaa =)=
nästa måndag =) vad händer hos dig? =)