Trashkalendervinnaren är korad!

Äntligen är vinnaren i trashkalendern korad.. Som jag förutspått var det inte min mening som vann. Riktigt sorgligt då jag ville ha den där Gnom skivan!!
Här är vinnaren:

A world without Kaizers is like... one of those Sundays where you oversleep so much that you're actually more tired than when you went to bed and outside it's cold but not really freezing so you don't really want to call it cold day but in any case it's gloomy and there's that annoying drizzle that won't stop, and you suddenly realize that none of your friends is available and you've run out of coffee, and there's that essay which is due tomorrow, so you decide to tidy up your room first (in order to, as you put it, 'think things over' and your place is a mess anyway!), but then, under a stack of unsorted paper, you find your penpal's yet unanswered letter, so you switch on your computer to escape any pangs of conscience, but even the Internet can't cheer you up today, and it's 8pm anyway so you turn on television but there's nothing on and you end up watching some ghastly Adam Sandler movie wondering what life is all about and if this is really the way things should be.


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